Weag's Bridge, Throwley Hall, Slade House, Soles Hollow

1 hr 59 mins

5.04 miles (8.11 Km)

Car park near Weag's Bridge


Note: It’s not a typo, the car park is at Weag’s Bridge despite the sign before the bridge stating weak bridge!
From car park, head back to Weag’s Bridge. However don’t cross bridge but head straight on taking the left of the two tracks facing you.
Continue along track keeping river on your left (if there’s any water in there), through the caravan site and over the bridge beyond the site.
100 mtrs beyond bridge and just before farmhouse on left, take the track on right uphill.
Continue on this track, passing barn on your left until you reach the gate where the paths split and the steepness increases.
Either head directly up the track you’re on or trend slightly left uphill. Either way, aim for the left end of the copse at the top of the field.
Through gate left of copse and follow farm track downhill.
Approx 200 mtrs before farm bear right across field to left end of copse at the right hand end of the farm buildings.
Through gate and wooded area to reach the road where you turn left (signposted to Ilam) passing Throwley farm on your left.
Follow road downhill for 150 mtrs, over cattle grid then bear right (signposted) diagonally uphill aiming for the bottom corner of a copse.
Continue in same direction at copse aiming for a singular tree on the horizon where the wall can be seen to drop down to the right of it.
Cross the stile 100 mtrs right of the tree and then head diagonally leftwards uphill in next field.
Over stile then trend slightly leftwards across the large field to reach a wall at far end.
On reaching wall turn right and follow path uphill keeping wall on your left and passing an old kiln on your right.
Continue on this path to reach Slade House Farm and cottages.
Follow signs around right side of farm and then head away from the buildings on the farm track.
Where this track meets another farm track by a cattle grid, cross the track and bear slightly right, passing a circular water structure and then continue downhill in the depression.
Follow the depression all the way down to the Manifold Trail, down fields to begin with then through the wooded area of Soles Hollow.
Turn right onto the Manifold Trail and follow this back to car.

Site by Ged