Shillito Woods, Ramsley Moor, Big Moor

2 hr 15 mins

5.12 miles (8.25 Km)

Shillito Wood car park


From car park, cross road by information board, through the gate on opposite side and head downhill to join the wide path.
Turn right on wide path and stay on this path through Ramsley Moor.
At cross roads of paths beyond a gate, go straight over, passing over stile and continue to road.
Straight over at road, through gate then continue on tarmac track and 50 mtrs before farm, turn left onto obvious path.
Continue past a small reservoir on right and continue to a road.
Cross road and take path through the white gate on opposite side.
Follow this path past a small lake on your left and on to a road.
Turn left onto road and follow back to car park.

Site by Ged