Alport, River Lathkill, Haddon Fields

1 hr 15 mins

3.42 miles (5.5 Km)

Small car park on right hand side of B5056 heading towards Youlgrave, 50 mtrs up from river bridge.


From small car park head down road for a short distance and take path on left just before river bridge, signposted “Conksbury”.
Follow path with river over to your right to house on left with quiet lane just beyond.
Go directly over quiet lane and follow path to road.
Turn right onto road, cross river bridge and continue uphill on road to 100 mtrs beyond the sharp right hand bend where you take the path steeply uphill on your left (avoid the path left at the apex of the bend).
Climb steeply up the rough ground then follow the right hand side of the large field, keeping the wall and road the other side of the wall, on your right.
Follow the wall almost to the top of field and take the gate on the right just beyond the sharp left hand bend sign.
Cross the road directly, through gate and head diagonally left across first field to stile.
Follow the next field down keeping wall on your left to a stile at the bottom, just left of copse.
Continue downhill in next large field trending slightly rightwards, passing about 50 mtrs away from the bottom corner of the field on the right.
Continue in same direction then turn right just past a small area of rough ground on your right and head to the stile just left of a small cluster of trees.
Straight over stile, signposted “Stanton in Peak” and continue over next field to right hand end of wood.
Continue straight on keeping wood on your left to a stile at end of wood designed for giants!
Continue through rough ground to a metal gate.
Straight on past metal gate for 20 mtrs then turn right keeping the large fenced plantation on your right and quarry on left.
At end of plantation, path turns left and leads through a wood to reach a wide track.
Turn left onto wide track for 20 mtrs, then take a faint path on right which leads down to a stile.
Bear right past stile and follow the top edge of the rough bank which will be on your left.
Path eventually drops downhill to a dip (sometimes a stream depending on rainfall).
Turn left in dip (signpost) and head downhill to road.
Turn right at road and follow back into Alport and car.

Site by Ged