Elton, Winster, Birchover

1 Hr 49mins

4.65 miles (7.49 Km)

Roadside in village of Elton, towards east end of village


From Elton head east towards Winster and beyond end of houses of Elton, turn right onto Islington Way.
At bottom of downhill section, you'll reach a crossroad with a farm track. Take style on left signposted to Winster.
Follow the well defined path to the road.
Directly over road and continue through fields and graveyard to road.
Left at the road and right immediately at “T” junction.
Down through the village of Winster and before leaving the village, take the track just to the left of the “School Safety Zone” sign; “Painters Way”.
Down past the houses and through the metal gate & style.
Continue downhill on well defined path until it becomes necessary to bear left onto less well defined path leading up to a style.
Over style and immediately right and continue over 2 further styles to reach wood at the bottom.
Over bridge and directly uphill.
As the wood ends, head slightly right and uphill towards 2 large trees.
From the large trees, continue at the same height with the intermittent hedgerow on your right.
Once the hedge ends, follow the line of trees until you reach a style into Clough Wood.
Left and uphill after style and follow this path (avoiding wide path to the right downhill) to end of wood (Clough Wood is a blanket of bluebells in late May).
Through gate and continue up to lane.
Left onto lane and head uphill until gradient reduces and there are paths right and left. Take the right hand path.
Follow this up to caravan and camping site.
Just before farm, turn left through style.
Through campsite passing the alpacas and turn left onto the road.
Down through Birchover and when road bends to the right (The Druid pub ahead), continue directly on, signposted no through road (the pub will now be on your right).
Down past church and Old Vicarage then turn left after pond on your left.
Uphill to track then left keeping the house on your right and paddock on left.
At the end of the paddock take the style left of the metal gate and turn immediately right.
Follow path along then downhill.
When path levels and bends to right, turn left onto wide track (there's a sign on gate to your left asking you not to feed the animals). Pass this enclosed paddock on your left.
Head downhill towards the farm and road.
Directly over road and head over more fields to gate and private car park right of the house.
Turn left and up lane to cross roads then right back into Elton.

Site by Ged