Time: 1 Hr 19 mins
Distance: 3.22 miles (5.18 Km)
Parking: Car park at Milldale
OS Grid Ref: SK137548
From car park head down to village of Milldale, cross bridge and head downstream to bridge by Ilam Rock.
Cross bridge, and follow the path back upstream to reach a stile.
Over stile turn left up Hall Dale.
As valley sides ease off and with the village of Stanshope ahead, you’ll reach a junction of paths (gate on left and ahead). At this point turn right uphill with wall on your left.
Through 2 gates to reach a farm track.
Right onto the farm track and at the top take the stile on left by metal gate and sign “Grove Farm”.
Straight down through fields and through a gate leading steeply down back to the village of Milldale.
At road turn left to car park.